Sunday 2 January 2011

New Years Day (Dragon Dance Festival - Guinness Record)

Bleary eyed I mysteriously wake up early at 6am… Hm… must be the excitement of the day ahead ;) New Years Day sees the breaking of a world record here in Kowloon with the largest number of Lion & Dragon dancers taking part in a parade. The site is magical with lion costumes as far as the eye can see along ‘Canton Road’ with eager crowds lining their route. Due to start at 2pm it eventually begins at 3pm with two HUGE Oriental Dragon costumes being paraded through the streets at the head of the parade - The skill of the dancers is magnificent with a writhing serpentine mass seeming to come alivbe around them as it was led towards the harbour by a man seeming to carry a giant lolly… hm…
Behind the two dragons came 1,111 Lion dancers of all ages and many from clubs or schools - once again the costumes were brought to life through the dexterity and skill of the dancers with flapping eyes, mouths and ears and a body made to look mystical. There are two people per lion and this makes it possible for the ‘lion’ to double in height or to contortion itself through one dancer holding the other off the ground or jumping around. Purely wonderful and an event that I am sure will happen every year.
After two long days it was time to chill - so time out - and a visit to see TRON the movie… (I will not spoil it for you but I enjoyed it as a distraction).
Eating out in Hong Kong can be expensive, but take it from me, you can get marvellous local noodles with any combination of flavours for less than you think - many streets stands or hole in the wall eateries cater for all needs and even around Times Square it is possible to find them (Although sometimes the menu is not in English - just point at what you want and let the mysterious culinary journey begin ;)). I had a large bowl of ‘mildly’ (Turned out to be very spicy) noodles from a hole in the wall diner for $32 (£3), it was great, while you’re here check it out - be adventurous and you will be rewarded with a warm welcome from the staff of the restaurants and the locals who eat there ;)
And if you cannot handle the heat there is always the fall back option of ‘Starbucks’ which seems to have sprouted cafés all over town and a wealth of multi-national eateries.

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