Thursday 21 April 2011

Flight to and arrival in Hawaii

The journey continues with an unexpected complication to my travel plans… I had not taken into account travelling over the international date line!! In effect this meant that although I had already had a Wednesday 20th April I was about to have another one (Time travel without a TARDIS) 0_0 As I wound my watch back 20hours!! Oops - this in effect meant that I had nowhere to stay for tonight… So prayed furtively that the hostel would have some room for me a day early…
The flights themselves went like clockwork and the transfer through Sydney was quick and painless with just a 2 hour wait for the next plane, even had a chance to talk about home made sausages with the staff on duty ;) (Don’t ask)… No need to collect bags as they are sent on automatically so nothing to do but kick back with a coffee and attack the crosswords in the free papers J The overnight flight to Hawaii was a little over 9 hours with a 4 hour time difference with Oz… I had a spare seat beside me and another passenger stated that as he was reading a paper on bullying so he would not comment on my double bed luxury ;) Suffice to say I remained cramped and I slept less than 2 hours in total - but did eat 4 in flight meals!! (depending on your opinion this is either lucky or terrible)… As we Passed through the international date line the sun was just beginning to lighten the sky on the horizon in a series of reds and pinks before revealing its full blazing white hot glory.
Landing in Hawaii means arriving in the USA (And the home-state of President Obama) - the security is tight, professional and pleasant although now you are treated to the full works on entry… I had my picture taken along with all of my finger/thumb prints being scanned electronically. Personally I don’t mind as I feel that I have nothing to hide but I realise that this is a contentious issue for many. The debate will go on…

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