Thursday 14 April 2011

A walk around Wellington

After seeing the sights of Wellington it was time to get a little under its skin… What is the city really like for those who live here? Another opportunity to go for a walk and this time heading around the suburban back streets of the city… I soon get myself lost in amongst the suburban sprawl and blocks of flats and without a map!! So I end up wending my way up hill through a maze of narrowing streets and pathways until walking up a flight of steps attached to a building and straight through the Wellington University Campus with its tiny parks and lecture halls. Finally I end up winding my way back down to the motorway on the far side… On route I find uniquely decorated buildings, sculptures (which at first glance look like people) and the famous road junction with a four way stop, which even though there were only two cars about caused chaos 0_0 Hate to see it in the rush hour.
The motorway soon takes me back towards the civic centre and passes by the Beehive (parliament building), the powerfully noble war memorial, the awful (in my humble opinion) National library and the interesting modern Anglican cathedral (with its HUGE organ - I was privileged to have an elderly lady playing it while I was there so took time out to listen for a while) then back to the civic centre and the floating public art ;) before returning to the starting point back at Courtney place with its plethora of independent shops.

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