Monday 14 February 2011

Capsule hotel experience

A capsule hotel is a thing of beauty, but beware there are many routines that must be followed… First no shoes beyond the doorway, these are housed in a small cupboard which you then lock and give the key to reception (hiking boots will just fit!!), staff then give you a ‘room key’, this is in fact a locker key which also is the number of your capsule - going to the locker you find a set of colourful pyjamas :) and just enough space to stash a small backpack… My large backpack survived with just a strap placed inside the locker. There are laundry facilities, free Wi-Fi and a manga library for guests as well as a ’Shower room’. Finding your pod, you enter into a room lined with 6½’ long boxes stacked 2 high on both sides - as you enter one there is a control panel for all your needs including; lighting, TV (with all your favourite Japanese viewing!!), fan, radio, alarm and roller blind door ;) All in all a cost little place which gives you just enough room to be comfortable but at a low price of 2800Y per night.
The ’Shower room’… Well this was my first experience of the Japanese ‘Onsen’ style bathing room, it contains 6 stools all facing mirrors against the wall with a bucket, tap and shower head and steaming next to this is a long hot tub… The etiquette is to strip off in adjoining room, enter bathing room and sit on a stool, then lather up and rinse off using the bucket or the shower head, this then gives you access to the hot tub (still naked) and finally after whiling away ½hr or so you get out and shower off again before returning to the towelling room… To say there is no room for timidity or shyness in a Japanese Onsen would be correct
The only down side to the Capsule hotel is that guests are allowed to smoke in the common areas and this permeates all parts of the hotel. Still it was a good experience and one worth undertaking if in Japan.

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